This was my third year after graduation and frustration had become my middle name. I had gone from office to office, window to window, pillar to post each of those years to “beg”. Yes! Beg! It was sad how I had to beg for something I owned.

This third year, I almost gave up. I decided to find a way to move on without my transcript from the university but unfortunately, I couldn’t, owing to the fact that my life was geared towards academia and I desperately needed my transcript to further my education.

I received a call from a friend in the school who I had vented to a good number of times. She told me to come over, that I will be able to get my transcript in less than 24 hours.

“We both know this is not possible now” I weakly told her and was about ending the call because I wasn’t interested in any false hope, but she kept nudging. She sounded so sure and succeeded in convincing me to come over the next day.

Strangely, I got my transcript that day. In fact, she apologized for bringing me over to the school, because I could actually get it from my house but she was so excited to show me their new School Management System and give me a mini tour in the ICT department.

That was the best thing that happened to my life that year. Fast, easy and efficient is what I’ll call it . Students’ records were easily accessed and other school processes were carried out with so much ease and less traffic.

Obviously, cases like mine were going to be far from possible so I had to ask how they got that working system and she mentioned; Icidat Technologies.

Of the many products we offer, an efficient and reliable school management system is our way of helping schools and the system generally to ease the troubles and limitations of a traditional management system.