


NO: 103 Murtala Mohammed Way,
British America Junction, Jos,
Plateau State. Nigeria

Invoice Number INV-0116
Invoice Date April 1, 2024
Due Date May 4, 2024
Total Due #65,000.00
Cedars Of Damaturu

Damaturu, Yobe State

Dear Cedars Damaturu

This is a notice that an invoice has been generated on Thursday, April, 1, 2024 for Cedars Damaturu  website hosting and domain renewal  (4/05/2024 - 4/05/2025)  #65,000.00

Your Payment Covers: Domain name, Hosting, Maintenance, SSL, & Site auto back up.

After you make the payment send us an email with the below details:

Name of the depositor:
Date of Payment:

Amount Paid:

Teller Number:

Invoice Number:

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 yr Website Domain & Hosting Service
1 yr Website SSL (Secure socket layer) #10,000.000.00%#10,000.00
Sub Total #65,000.00
Tax #0.00
Total Due #65,000.00

Sterling Bank Plc
Icidat Technology Ltd